Humansa Dental ︎
Location: Hong Kong
Client: New World Development Company Limited
Area: 210 sqm

The last decade has seen a growing interest in all aspects of health and wellbeing and designers have not been immune to this. Much of the debate has been framed in terms of providing spaces to support wellness, mindfulness as well as more established forms of medicine and healing, both through individual optimisation and self-care as well as by increasing accessibility for underrepresented groups within society. Sustainability and the use of healthy materials was another ongoing concern.
Going to a dental clinic is never a pleasant experience and in Hong Kong, people aged 25 to 34 lagged behind other age groups by six to seven per cent in visiting, according to a 2021 survey. In order to make the patients feel comfortable and fearless, Humansa Dental’s design scheme makes the space feels more like a spa or resort rather than an all-white aesthetics. Sustainable, durable and recycled key materials like terrazzo floor, diatom mud wall and bamboo features were applied to create an urban retreat within the busy city center.
In the reception zone, the customer journey started from a minimal and organic space. Natural diatom mud finish walls with shadows casted by custom made bamboo lighting decrease patient’s nervousness. Ceiling lights in abstract teeth shape also gave a sense of casualness to the space.
Each operation room is composed by natural finish diatom-mud walls and semi-frosted glass with bamboo screen to break the rigid boundary and yet maintain privacy. A glossy sky blue ceiling with circular artificial skylight was introduced to sooth the patients while they lay down during operation and provide relaxation, hygiene and easy maintenance.
Taken together, the scheme creates a visually rich and harmonious environment, which is kept consistent by a singular beige color palette and the result was a natural and calming space as an alternative to the usual, 'anxiety-inducing' feel of dental spaces.